Monday, November 29, 2010


I saw Jung Jae today. But recently I cant tell who he really is.
He acted nice and all happy. But then later on its opposite.
Some people can't be themselves, they just act how they think they should act.
We could of been good friends since freshman year in high school, but not anymore.
Its sad cause we could of been good friends too.
So I don't know what to think now after I saw him, I feel happy, but kind of mad at the same time.
Mehh. Time for physics :/

My friend is hurt. She at the point where she wants her life to end.
I try to be there for her but she isn't opening up to me so I can't do anything for her.
So I try to just be there for her..makes me sad I can't do anything for her.
Wish she gets better =]

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