Monday, November 29, 2010


I saw Jung Jae today. But recently I cant tell who he really is.
He acted nice and all happy. But then later on its opposite.
Some people can't be themselves, they just act how they think they should act.
We could of been good friends since freshman year in high school, but not anymore.
Its sad cause we could of been good friends too.
So I don't know what to think now after I saw him, I feel happy, but kind of mad at the same time.
Mehh. Time for physics :/

My friend is hurt. She at the point where she wants her life to end.
I try to be there for her but she isn't opening up to me so I can't do anything for her.
So I try to just be there for her..makes me sad I can't do anything for her.
Wish she gets better =]

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I'm listening to Animal again..But I feel the meaning of the song it had to me is gone. Whenever I talk to her now, the feeling is different. But I guess it's a good thing to because the situation would of been hard if it did work out..meh it's cool though =]

Bad habits

Alone. Ha it sucks. Just the feeling. It might not be true but it's the feeling that gets to me.
Going back home was nice in all, but my old habits kicked it.
Laying in bed, wasting time, on the computer...
It's something that I didn't want to get back into. But now thoughts keep coming up.
This week is going to be stressful because of exams..
Alone. Not littearly but just the feeling.
But shoo, I deactivated fb..
But i'm thinking lil more..can friends overcome the feeling?
Hopefuly we'll find out this week =] ....and hopefuly we can see eachother when we're not right infront of each other outside of tate? =]

Friday, November 26, 2010


This happiness isn't the one from before
Instead of a metaphor it's straight up reality
Because the happiness I receive right now
Is from my friend
And you know who you are =]]

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wishes. Blah.

That night was the night I made a wish but some how I wish I hadn't made that wish and have everything go back to the way it was. So many relationship with close friends changed. I found out things I wish I never found out. Things happen that I wish never occurred. But wish doesn't do anything. I made a wish on the first night of snow. Right then and there represented the cold that was coming and I don't have anything warm to preserve what was once was. Soon it will be overwhelmed by coldness and slowly die..

Friday, November 12, 2010


I started this to get over what I was feeling.
Then in the middle of this, I was already done with it.
But to finish it all, I finish this up.

Hey baby girl I lost my mind
Cuz in my mind there was paradise
In paradise there was only me and you
But in reality, there's no more me and you
Don't know what to do don't know what to say
In truth, I want you in my way
Nagging me, pushing me, but behind that, taking care of me.
Baby no more we parted our ways
How badly it hurts baby I wont say
All that matters is we move on from today
Baby i'm done, goodbye I say.
All them memories i'll treasure in my heart
How painful it is baby i won't even start
I'll keep it locked up straight in my heart
Baby i'll no more intrust you the key to my heart.

After I finished this, I saw a different perceptives of things in general. Things changed from last month. It feels alienated. It's just something i'll have to adjust to cause I just gotta do it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I look at all these blogs.
They all the same.
Not so fun to read. Its sad.
So much people be hurting, and it hurts as much just to notice what one sees.
Having the need to comfort friends. But don't know what to do.
Having the need to comfort yourself. But don't know what to do.
Find a way to escape. Not to mars but to a world full of clouds.
There you do nothing but feel so relax.
Hoping everyone can just be happy. But there's no such thing.
But all you can do is try.
Be happy =]]